Enchanting Flames

Elegant Outdoor Fireplace Solutions for Every Home

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Outdoor Fireplace Kits

Outdoor fire place kits are a great option if you want a do-it-yourself type of outdoor fireplace, or if you want to make the outdoor fireplace construction a bit easier so you can enjoy the new addition to your backyard in just a few days.

These types of outdoor fireplaces are assembled more quickly than an all masonry constructed outdoor fireplaces, usually in a fraction of the time. Because they come with pre-cut, ready to install pieces they typically lower the cost of materials and labor too.

Stone Outdoor Fireplaces

If you’re looking for a considerable upgrade in your outdoor space consider adding a stone fireplace. Stone outdoor fireplaces provide a beautiful and functional architectural element to your yard that will make it feel more like an outdoor living room. This creates more usable space, making the square footage of your home feel bigger during those months when you can spend time outside regularly.

Outdoor stone fireplaces are beautiful and durable, but they will require more cost and time investment up front. This is a large and lasting structure so you need to carefully consider a few design options. Besides choosing a design you will also need to choose a type and color of stone that blends with the style of your home. Most importantly you need to find a professional to install the fireplace or get an easier to install kit.

Portable Outdoor Fireplace

A portable outdoor fireplace is a perfect choice if you’ve decided you want an outdoor fireplace, but you don’t want to commit to a fixed structure. For some it is a good place to start when planning out the design of your outdoor living area as these units can be relatively inexpensive and because they are movable you can test them in a few different areas until you find just the look and feel you want.

Portable outdoor fireplace can mean few different things. It can refer to above ground fire pits that are portable, many of them are. It can refer to a freestanding fireplace that isn’t attached to the ground. Or it can refer to a non-traditional style of chimineas.

Patio Fire Pits

One way to update your patio is by adding a patio fire pit. Patio fire pits can help create a new look and feel for this outdoor space. Not only do they add a nice look but they also add increased functionality and create a cozy ambiance.

A patio fire pit usually works well for a small patio because they require less space than brick or stone outdoor fireplaces. They are also usually easy to install and move so they make a great portable outdoor fireplace. Because of increased demand for these small patio fireplaces the options have expanded and you can now find a wide variety of fun choices, including many affordable options.

Outdoor Gas Fireplace

An outdoor gas fireplace is a great option if you are looking for an outside fireplace that doesn’t use wood for fuel. While many people love the smell of a wood burning fireplace there are some drawbacks to them that you won’t find in gas fireplaces, so a gas outdoor fireplace may be the best fit combining both enjoyment and functionality.

The gas outdoor fireplaces come as either natural gas fireplaces or outdoor propane fireplaces. When choosing which one is best for you there are a few things to consider. First do you have natural gas running to your home already for an oven or stove? If you do you can just run a line to the area where you want to set up your outdoor fireplace.

The other option is an outdoor propane fireplace. While natural gas may burn cleaner, outdoor propane fireplaces can be more versatile.